7 WWE Careers That Are At A Dead End

1. The Miz

Congrats to The Miz for "winning" the honor of being the wrestler that is most stuck in a career dead end. Really? Yes Miz, it's you. What's incredible about this is that three years ago, Miz was a guy that headlined WrestleMania 27 against John Cena. That wasn't a very good show and his match with Cena was below average, but it still happened and that's something he can brag about until he's an old man. It's just amazing that he went from that to being a nobody in the battle royal at WrestleMania 30. He was barely noticeable in that match. There might be reluctance on WWE's part to push him because he's spent some time the last few years filming some WWE movies although you would think they want to utilize a "movie star" more because it would help the movies they are putting out there. Instead, it feels as though they are using him less and if fans don't think of him as a star in wrestling anymore why would they want to spend $15 on a DVD or turn on the Disney channel to watch whatever his Christmas film was. He's currently out filming another Marine movie, but should be back in May. It's time to hit the reset button on his career. Make him a heel. Insert him into a top level feud immediately. He has talent. Let's see him use it. They shouldn't put him in an IC Title feud or something like that. It needs to be something against a guy that fans consider a star on the babyface side. What WWE needs to do is remember that they pushed The Miz to the top because they believed in him and they still should. Don't give up on a WWE lifer like him. Give him a character reset when he's back from his movie filming and find a way to utilize him right. He's too good to be at a dead end.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.