7 WWE Divas Who Underwent Major Physical Changes

6. Chyna

Looking at a before-and-after photo of Chyna is like staring directly into the sun for five minutes and then looking at the vacuum cleaner in the corner of the room. You're not entirely sure what it is at first, but you're almost positive it's made mostly of plastic. And that's not a dig at Chyna's former, hulking self. In another case of WWE dropping the ball when it comes to displaying positive feminine roles within the company, as soon as Chyna started getting a push as a legitimate contender for singles competition and moving away from the silent bodyguard in the background, she underwent some very noticeable changes. First, there were the boobs, which Triple H had the tactfulness to point out with this subtle line: "I think we might have to change our name to Double D-Generation X." And then, as she progressed up the company ladder, her features began to soften little by little. Then she went under the knife to make her face look fuller and make her jaw appear less hardened. Chyna has went on record in the past as saying that these decisions were hers and that she wasn't pressured into doing them, but it's hard not to correlate her actions with those of so many others in the industry who have underwent augmentation once their careers started to take off.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.