7. Kalisto (C) Vs Alberto Del Rio - 2 Out Of 3 Falls, US Title
Kalisto versus Alberto Del Rio is always a good match, but it has happened way too many times in the last few months. It's a stale booking, which is likely why WWE dropped it to the preshow. Nevertheless, Alberto is one of the best workers in the company, and Kalisto is an exciting high flyer. In terms of action, it should be fun. The two out of three falls stipulation is either a blessing or a curse. If they get time, it will be a great stipulation. But like with all two out of three falls, it could end up feeling rushed and unsatisfying if the time is short. In terms of result, it doesn't make sense to job Kalisto so soon, especially on a preshow that some fans won't even be watching. Thefore, Del Rio wins the first fall, concedes a second fall via DQ (to protect him) and then Kalisto wins the decisive third fall with a reversal and a roll up. It'll be a typical underdog victory that still gives the heel some heat. Winner: Kalisto