7 WWE Fastlane Results Predictions

4. Bad News Barrett (C) Vs Dean Ambrose - Intercontinental Title

After he was pinned on Smackdown this week by R Truth, you have to guess that Bad News Barrett is winning this weekend. Jobbing twice in a row, especially when one job was to R Truth, is going to hurt Barrett's standing. So he has to win here. Where that leaves Dean Ambrose is anyone's guess. He was the WWE's major babyface in the autumn, but the returns of Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns have really relegated him. There's also John Cena obviously, and Dolph Ziggler rounding off an overly heavy babyface side. Ambrose is lost in the shuffle and giving him the IC title isn't the answer. This match should be good, as both Barrett and Ambrose are proper workers. A screwy ending seems inevitable, followed by a Bull Hammer for the pin. "I've got some bad news for you..." Winner: Bad News Barrett
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