7 WWE Feuds That Killed Careers

4. Marc Mero Vs. Sable (1998)

Marc Mero Sable

Ex-WWE Producer Bruce Prichard said on his 'Something To Wrestle With' podcast that Vince McMahon, upon meeting her, viewed Sable as the real star of her marriage. Prichard didn't need to spell it out. Watching how Sable was pushed ahead of Marc Mero during the late-'90s made it obvious even at the time.

The idea was simple: Mero, jealous of the attention his beautiful wife was getting, would try to undermine Sable's popularity and push his own agenda. Eventually, he'd get his comeuppance, lose Sable's affections completely and be cast aside so the WWF could focus on reaping the rewards of her sex appeal and willingness to pose for Playboy.

Meanwhile, Marc's role in the company diminished and few cared when he left in 1999. For someone who was treated as a big coup for the WWF when they signed him from WCW three years earlier, it was a big disappointment.

Post-Sable feud, Mero became expendable.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.