7 WWE Hell In A Cell Matches You Forgot Ever Happened

7. Steve Austin And The Undertaker vs Kane And Mankind (Raw, June 15, 1998)

Yep, this happened. Less than two weeks before Foley stepped (well, fell) inside the Cell in the match that would define his career, he actually made his debut in The Devil's Playground in this thrown together tornado tag match that also saw in-match Cell debuts for Austin and Kane. Held as a way to build momentum towards that month's now infamous King Of The Ring PPV, Stone Cold and Undertaker were paired up for the very first time to try and tackle the uneasy alliance between Kane, Mankind and Paul Bearer. As is often the case with huge events closing out Raw, however, this was less of a match and more of an angle: Austin, initially appearing to have been stood up by his partner, fought off Kane and Mankind, before Taker appeared inside a locked Cell and slapped the p*ss out of Paul Bearer. In fairness, it was great fun to watch, but in hindsight feels like more than a little bit of a waste of such an iconic match.

Lifelong wrestling fan. I like to talk about it. Argue with me!