5. Dean Ambrose And Kevin Owens Can't Keep Frustrated Fans In The Building (House Show - 2016)

Alexa Bliss

Highlighting how this wasn't strictly a "Roman Reigns problem" but more a "WWE can't build stars for love nor money" issue around the mid 2010's, let's dive into the house show circuit around this often divisive time to be a WWE die-hard.

As the WWE circus was doing its usual rounds in early 2016, one particular live event going down in Evansville, Indiana once again exposed how tired the company's audience had become with the same trite and vapid showcases they'd grown used to seeing time and time again over the prior months.

On this occasion, a contest between Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens proved to be the last straw as allwrestlingnews.com reported a "mass exit of fans from different sections of the arena" before that night's main event had concluded.

When the sight of the future AEW World Champion and eventual Universal Champion smashing ten lumps of crap out of each other in a No Disqualification match can't keep audiences engaged, you know you've got some problems. Admittedly, you can hardly class what these two put together on that night as a "bad" showing, by any means. But in terms of the booking in general and the overall quality of the previous bouts that led into said house-show-closer, each of those fans who prematurely departed would no doubt file this evening under "must do better".

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Alexa Bliss
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...