4. Number 30 Produces The Wrong Kind Of Rumble (Rumble Rumble 2017)

Alexa Bliss

In the wake of WWE opting to pull the Phenomenal trigger in 2016 when it pertained to their signature Royal Rumble surprise, it's safe to say that fans were expecting something rather special at the following year's over-the-top-rope spectacle. Not least of all due to the overall scale of the event being dialled up somewhat by bringing the rumble to the Alamodome.

However, not even the promise of 50,000 strong filling the Texas arena could change the fact that WWE had their hearts set on one man and one man alone coming in at number 30.

Would it be Kenny Omega? Would Kurt Angle step back between the WWE ropes? Could... could it actually be Sting? In the ultimate pressing the big red button and then covering your ears and singing as loud as you possibly can moment, Vince McMahon instead decided to throw The Big Dog to the flames once again and the reception was... memorable.

But sadly, for all the wrong reasons.

Reigns was booed out of the building for simply not being a fantasy booker's dream, and it was reported that a wave of fans immediately launched themselves out of their seats and swiftly from the arena. After all, it was The Big Dog's yard. So, maybe those folks were just respectfully making way for the future Universal Champion... maybe not.

In this post: 
Alexa Bliss
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...