7 WWE Money In The Bank 2015 Results Predictions

5. Ryback (C) Vs Big Show - Intercontinental Title Match

Well, this is going to suck. The two big men will brawl it out for under ten minutes, with Ryback eventually hitting an impressive Shell Shocked for the win. That's all the match is really about, that one big moment in which WWE attempts to make Ryback look like Hulk Hogan slamming Andre The Giant. It is all part of the Ryback babyface project, designed to make him look like this amazing superhero. The structure of the match should be the classic heel versus babyface pattern, Show dominates and then Ryback makes the inspirational comeback. A couple of outside the ring spots may end up thrown in to help tide over the action. Maybe Show will spear Ryback through a barricade, or hit a choke slam on the announce table. But the babyface will recover, getting in the ring and hitting his finisher for the win. Winner: Ryback
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.