7 WWE Predictions For The Rest Of 2014

4. Dean Ambrose Will Turn On Roman Reigns

It was a surprise to a lot of wrestling fans that Seth Rollins turned heel on Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose in a move that effectively put an end to The Shield stable. Most of us figured that if somebody turned heel first it would be Ambrose because he's got more of a heel persona while Rollins is a guy that has an especially bright future as a babyface due to his in-ring style as a risk taker. Right now it looks like Ambrose will be an ally of Reigns because Ambrose got destroyed by Rollins with a steel chair. Randy Orton joined Rollins in the attack, but his focus was mostly on Reigns. Long term, the goal seems to be a scenario where Roman Reigns ends up as a lone wolf who has to fight off the powers that be to become the WWE Champion. That Reigns story is something that WWE can build up throughout the rest of 2014 as he battles against Triple H, Rollins and Orton. Just when it looks like he can trust Ambrose as his buddy for life, don't be surprised if Ambrose is there to stab him in the back too. The Shield had a phenomenal run together as a team, but the rest of 2014 will be about them having matches with each other, which will include Ambrose going to the dark side just like Rollins did.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.