8 Attitude Era Lessons WWE Can Learn Today

3. Edginess

The supposed €œLunatic Fringe€ and borderline psychotic Dean Ambrose has recently spent his time spraying paint in the face of his former Shield-mate, Seth Rollins. This was done as an act of vengeance following Dean€™s hiatus from the ring due to a Curbstomp through cinder blocks. Welcome to the current world of WWE and its so-called PG era. Look, there€™s a time and a place for everything -- including kid-friendly comedy. However, the company€™s current top feud between two men with such bad blood between them is not the right spot for such a G-rated moment. Save the kiddie hijinks for lesser feuds and comedy characters and keep it away from intense and heated rivalries. While many fans often deride the WWE for its current PG rating, it€™s not the problem. WWE€™s aforementioned creative direction is. There€™s wiggle room within the confines of a family-friendly program to introduce more intense and violent angles. The Wyatt Family has managed to become a creepy and off-putting entity for both kids and adults. There€™s a delicate balance to be played, but it€™s not an impossibility. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY-wQBqV9dk The Attitude Era contained its fair share of juvenile humor -- McMahon wetting his pants or Mankind€™s Socko. However, while juvenile, those segments were able to skirt the proverbial line and provide enough of an edge to appeal to both a younger and more mature audience.

Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.