8 Attitude Era Lessons WWE Can Learn Today

2. Screwjobs

There are many supposed starts to the Attitude Era. There€™s Austin€™s championship victory at Mania XIV. There€™s the birth of D-Generation X. There was also the transition of Vince McMahon from announcer to tyrannical boss. However, arguably the first kickoff of the raunchier time period was the Montreal Screwjob. That historic event gave rise to nearly everything else that took place during the Attitude Era. Specifically, McMahon€™s Corporation and their constant dastardly ways. Without Montreal, the idea for the Corporation to constantly attempt to screw over and stop the upward momentum of Steve Austin would have never come about. Furthermore, the fans€™ support of Austin and his relentless battle would not have been as raucous. Now, the WWE Universe has been given the Authority, however, this new stable must learn from their predecessor. Too often fans have seen both Triple H and Stephanie McMahon flip-flop from one week to the next. On one episode of Raw, Stephanie McMahon chastised Vickie Guerrero for allowing Roman Reigns the opportunity to earn a WWE Championship opportunity. Just one week later, Triple H handed another title shot to Reigns as a way of getting at John Cena. These inconsistencies make the Authority, the WWE, and its Creative team look foolish. The most recent example of great storytelling via a screwjob took place in the leadup to WrestleMania XXX. Immediately following Daniel Bryan€™s WWE Championship win at SummerSlam 2013, Triple H turned on him and Randy Orton was crowned champion. Fans clamored for Bryan to regain the title and continued to speak their minds until the company listened. Despite there being some bumps in the road both before and after Mania XXX, Daniel Bryan€™s victory at the Showcase of the Immortals was arguably the company€™s best moment in recent memory. And it was all thanks to the Authority screwing him over months prior.

Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.