8 Awful Lessons WWE Programming Has Taught Fans

4. Hornswoggle Is Hilariously Short

If there€™s anything that we can learn from Hornswoggle, it€™s that little people don€™t just tolerate short jokes, they insist on it. It€™s pretty much a given just from watching the WWE that people with disabilities are hilarious. Did you see Hornswoggle run between the legs of that normal sized man? Hilarious! See, it€™s funny because we€™re all normal and they are not. Even if you€™re thinking that this is just a show and that you know better than to laugh at someone for being different just because you saw it on TV, keep in mind that this is a child-friendly show now. That means that somewhere around the world is a little kid whose first show is the episode where Hornswoggle and El Torito sign a contract for a Wee-LC match, laden with short jokes and puns that aren€™t really puns. The WWE doesn€™t care that the two wrestlers went on to blow the expectations for their match clear out of the water because did you see how short they were? Hilarious!
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