8 Awful Lessons WWE Programming Has Taught Fans

5. Muhammad Hassan Is A Villain Because He€™s Foreign

For all intents and purposes, Muhammad Hassan should have been a babyface. The story was a pretty typical American story. Muhammad was an Arab-American who was tired of seeing the racism that evolved after 9/11. All he wanted was a fair chance to live the American dream. What€™s wrong with that? Leave it up to the WWE to take the character one step further and make Muhammad a jerk as well. Even though his message had a fair point, somewhere during his promos he€™d insult Americans in order to get booed. The ensured that no matter how victimized he was the audience would always hate him. The message that the WWE wanted everyone to gather was clear: Foreigners are all evil, no matter what. They couldn€™t even let Muhammad spread a good word. Muhammad was eventually killed off on television and the WWE fired the wrestler portraying him after his character became too controversial thanks to the London bombing. Of course, he was only controversial because he had a group of terrorists come down and sacrifice the Undertaker on an episode of Smackdown, which completely contradicted Muhammad€™s character of only wanting to be treated like a normal American.
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