8 Best Excuses For Wrestlers Not Doing A Job

6. He Wears A Hoodie

Shawn Michaels 1997

Few wrestlers that have come within a five-mile radius of The Undertaker have a bad word to say about the guy, but not every backstage story to have emerged over the years paint him in a positive light.

Case in point: a (possibly apocryphal) tale from 2009, when The Deadman, fearing his yard had been compromised, purportedly decided to lay down the law backstage in order to teach a young CM Punk a lesson in the importance of respecting the business.

The story here, in essence, is that 'Taker took umbrage at the fact that The Straight Edge Superstar had the temerity to rock up backstage in a hoodie and a pair of jeans, a choice of attire that he believed was unbecoming of a wrestler at the very top of WWE.

According to reports, he went so far as to use his political swing to lobby for Punk to be stripped of the World Heavyweight Championship he had won just a few months prior. Whether that's true or not is anyone's guess, but what we do know is that the champ lost his belt at the next pay-per-view in just 10 minutes. His opponent? The Undertaker.

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