8 Best Moments Of WWE's PG Era

5. Dolph Ziggler Cashes In And Wins World Heavyweight Title - Monday Night Raw - April 8th 2013

There are few superstars currently in WWE who have as much fervent fan support as the Show-Off, Dolph Ziggler. He garners huge reactions from every crowd he wrestles in front of, with the 'We Want Ziggler' chant having become commonplace. Fans appreciate talent in the ring, and he has that in spades, always throwing himself head first into any match or angle he is given. Fans see that he gives 110% at all times and therefore have always been behind him (even when he was technically a heel), especially in his pursuit of the World Heavyweight Championship. Ziggler won the Money In The Bank briefcase at the titular PPV on July 15th 2012, entitling him to a World Title opportunity of his own choosing over the next year. Almost immediately fans began speculating about when he would 'cash-in' and the fact that it took ten months to happen really stretched the patience of everyone concerned. However, it did mean that when Dolph finally took his opportunity on the episode of Monday Night Raw on the night following Wrestlemania 29, the fans absolutely lost it with one of the loudest reactions in many a year. It was easy to see what it all meant to Ziggler himself, as the emotion simply poured out of him. He'd finally done it. Regardless of the unfortunate circumstances of his title reign (in which he suffered a concussion leading to a month off, before dropping the title back to Alberto Del Rio in his first defence), this moment of pure joy can never be forgotten.
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