8 Best Moments Of WWE's PG Era

4. The Rock Returns To WWE - Monday Night Raw - February 14th 2011

The Rock is one of the Top Three mega-stars in wrestling history, sitting comfortably alongside Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin. He is a massively charismatic man, one of the very best entertainers that the wrestling world has ever seen. The Rock earned his place in history as one of the top stars of The Attitude Era and will forever stay incredibly popular in the eyes of fans and industry professionals alike. He is also, we'd argue, the only wrestler to ever truly successfully make the transition to the silver screen. He is now seen as an actor who sometimes goes back to his roots in wrestling, as opposed to a wrestler trying to act in movies. When The Rock made his initial return to WWE in February 2011, he hadn't been seen in a WWE ring since 2004. After seven long years, fans genuinely didn't expect him to be announced as the Guest Host of Wrestlemania 27, but when his music hit the arena went insane. There are few 'pops' louder than this one; in fact, it could probably have registered on the Richter Scale (well, maybe). The Great One went one to cut a characteristically long and rambling promo that was also somehow coherent, hilarious and exhilarating. Many argue that he is the very best microphone worker in wrestling history, and that is a hard claim to dispute. The promo managed to lay the seeds for a rivalry with John Cena, with the two men then squaring off in two Wrestlemania main events in a row, the second of which was booked a full year in advance. This promo also gave birth to the 'Fruity Pebbles' chant, though, so it wasn't all wine and roses. And The Miz was the superstar that was actually facing Cena at Wrestlemania 27, but no one will ever remember that after The Rock was inserted into the picture. But hey, he's The Rock. He can do what he wants.
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John Cena
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