8 Best WWE Heel Turns (Where The Wrestler Changed Nothing)

5. Shawn Michaels

CM Punk Jeff Hardy

To many, Shawn Michaels is one of the greatest heels in the history of the wrestling business. To others, the Heartbreak Kid is one of the greatest babyfaces in the history of the wrestling business. But in 2005, he effortlessly transitioned to the dark side for the first time since his 2002 return to the ring.

That heel turn, of course, was facilitated so that Michaels could face off against Hulk Hogan at that year's SummerSlam.

After the pair teamed a couple of times, HBK would turn on the Hulkster and lay him out with a Sweet Chin Music. From there, Michaels did all that he could to antagonise Hogan ahead of their SummerSlam contest.

That match has gone down in infamy for the oft-comedic overselling from Shawn, yet his heel turn was nicely done in a way that made sense for him to finally get that Hogan match. The thing is, the Shawn Michaels character didn't change anything for that heel turn to take place.

Michaels was the brash, alpha male performer that he's always been - it's just that the legendary Hulk Hogan was the person in his crosshairs this time. And by the time that SummerSlam match was in the books, a post-match handshake between the pair saw Shawn instantly revert back to a babyface role.

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Senior Writer

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