8 Changes To Revitalize WWE Tough Enough

4. Add Guest Judges

Let's be real here. From a judging standpoint, Hulk Hogan brought absolutely nothing to the show other than his name value, and the same can nearly be said - although to a much lesser extent - of Daniel Bryan. In Hogan's case, he can't stop thinking about himself long enough to properly critique anything anyone else does. And Daniel Bryan's issue is that he's just too nice of a guy to be put into that position, where harsh judgements are often necessary. Paige was pretty great at times but could border on overly-abrasive and sometimes seemed like she had a chip on her shoulder that was weighing her down. The Miz was The Miz, but he has so much charisma that he can get away with it. Plus he brings the added element of having been there and done that. With all the talent on the WWE roster, from current workers to legends, there's no reason we can't get a revolving door of guest judges. It's promo week? Here's guest judge Jake Roberts. This week's challenge was all about selling? The Heartbreak Kid joins the panel. There's so many ways you could go and it would add intrigue tuning in each week to see who would join the other judges.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.