8 Changes To Revitalize WWE Tough Enough

2. Put The Contestants With NXT

In saying this we don't mean have them train in private at the performance center while guys like Jason Jordan come in and take bumps for them. No, actually put them in the locker room with the men and women that will be their peers should they win the contract. The Tough Enough winners were awarded contracts for $250,000. The details of those deals have been kept close to the vest and there's probably some fine print there, but by all reports that's considerably more than the NXT wrestlers are making, all of whom are obviously more experienced, some having been in the business a decade or longer. How do you reconcile that with your current contracted talent? You can't, really, so you do the next best thing: feed them to the lions. You want to make it to WWE - Tough Enough winner or not - you're going to have to do so through NXT. Coming in green as grass while banking a bigger paycheck is going to earn the winners some resentment, so get that on camera. The NXT talent have scratched and clawed to get to where they are, and some of them will never set foot inside a WWE ring. We want to feel their resentment through our TV screens, and more importantly see how the Tough Enough rookies adapt to it. Will they handle it with grace or crumble under the stress?

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.