8 Famous Wrestlers Whose Last Matches Were A Total Disaster

7. Andre The Giant

Andre was obviously in pain from the moment he stepped through the curtain, and as he hobbled down to the ring and very carefully pulled himself onto the apron, it's hard not to cringe. Andre was never known for his quickness, but it's clear that by this point his big body was hanging on by a thread.

There's rarely a moment in the match where the giant isn't clinging to the ropes or pushing on someone else's shoulders for support. Even when dishing out chokes and loud knife hand chops to the chests of his much smaller foes, it's the 7-foot, 500-pounder who appears to be in the most pain.

At least when his Japanese counterpart (and frequent opponent) Giant Baba is in the ring with him, Andre's smile proves that his last televised match was a welcome nostalgia trip.

Still, Andre was no longer a wrestler in any legitimate sense. He was a beaten-down object for other people to wrestle around. He was now the sideshow attraction he spent so much of his life trying not to be, and that makes this on-air finale sadder than the last episodes of Friends and M*A*S*H combined.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.