8 Famous Wrestlers Whose Last Matches Were A Total Disaster

6. The Ultimate Warrior

Second chances are a wonderful thing. But sometimes all a second chance is good for is making you wish you'd done better the first time around. 10 years after The Ultimate Warrior stunk up the joint against his de facto nemesis, Hulk Hogan, at Halloween Havoc '98, he was given the extremely rare opportunity for a second, better sendoff.

But while training for his match against Orlando Jordan for the Nu-Wrestling Evolution promotion (a name they only picked because XXX-treme Skillz Development was already taken), Warrior badly injured his knee. But not wanting to bail on the match, he persisted through the injury.

It was an honorable move, but one that left him looking like a crippled crab without his crutches. He couldn't even do his signature run to the ring; it was more of a hobble/skip. The injury, coupled with his obvious lack of stamina, makes this nearly 18 minute match almost impossible to sit through.

Keep in mind, Warrior was the king of squash matches, so this lasted about 16 minutes longer than he typically spent inside the ring.

Warrior was proud of himself for the return and for putting on the longest match of his life just before turning 50, but it didn't exactly bolster his legacy.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.