8 Famous Wrestlers Whose Last Matches Were A Total Disaster

4. Randy Savage

Turning Point 2004, 3-Man Tag Match

AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy teaming up with Randy Savage to take on Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Jeff Jarrett? That sounds...oddly incredible, doesn't it? And hey, if it was going to be the last match of Savage's lauded career, surely he could do much worse. Couldn't he?

False. He could not do much worse.

As s the case with so many people on this list, Savage had major health concerns in his later years, and boy did it show. The former Macho Man hadn't been on television since a couple of sporadic appearances in the waning months of WCW. And those four years off camera certainly ravaged the Savage's body.

His involvement in the match was limited, to say the least, as the storyline made sure Savage didn't even make his way down to the ring until more than 15 minutes into the match. And when he did, the anemic-looking 52-year-old delivered a few weak punches to his opponents before executing a pin on Jarrett that makes Stone Cold's infamous roll-up on Owen Hart look like a work of art by comparison.

Savage was supposed to wrestle Jarrett for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship the next month, but had to bow out and officially retire due to his health issues. If his performance at Turning Point was any indication, that might have been for the best.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.