8 Famous Wrestlers Whose Last Matches Were A Total Disaster

3. Curt Hennig

The final match of Curt Hennig's career was an "On a Pole" squash match against non-wrestler David Flair that wasn't even announced beforehand. That's how much of an afterthought it was.

How much of a trainwreck was the match? As Hennig walks down to the ring, Mike Tenay actually says these words: "It has been so wild and so out of control here tonight, that we never had the opportunity to mention this matchup!"

The match lasted for just over two minutes and was about 50 percent chops, which might've been fine if Ric Flair's kid actually knew how to do them right. (Seriously, for most of the match he can't figure out the timing of them.) The ending was a mess, the commentary was embarrassing, and Hennig looked agitated that he had to be involved.

Most egregiously? Not one dropkick, figure four leglock, or Perfect-Plex to be found. Instead, David "Thank God My Last Name Is" Flair delivered a sloppy version of Hennig's signature rolling neck snap maneuver, must to rub salt into the wounds.

Hennig was a legendary technician whose final match was against a legendarily messy performer who had no business getting inside a ring. Not quite the "perfect" finale someone of his caliber deserved.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.