8 Genius Ways Wrestlers Got Out Of Terrible Matches

4. Ken Shamrock Gets Out Of Chyna Match Because Of His Kids

Thumb Undertaker Final

Joining his fellow former UFC fighter Dan Severn on this list, Ken Shamrock also wasn't a fan of an idea WWE had for him during the late '90s.

Rather than being threatened with squash matches for not wearing the mark of the beast, though, 'The World's Most Dangerous Man' was asked to throw down with 'The Ninth Wonder of the World.'

That Chyna match immediately sounded like a terrible idea to Shamrock, with the UFC Hall of Famer eventually revealing on the Ten Count podcast (via WrestlingInc) that he didn't think hitting a woman in the ring would set the right example for his kids.

Far from being a cunning tactic or anything, this was simply Shamrock smartly feeling that locking up with Chyna just wasn't the best look.

And while he would ultimately still end up getting somewhat physical with Chyna on an episode of Raw in May 1999, being pushed to the limit and suplexing her before instantly regretting his actions, he at least managed to convince WWE to not make him compete in an entire match against the legend by making them think of the children!


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...