8 Horrible WWE Returns That Absolutely Nobody Asked For
7. Kane (2017)

As one of the most tenured performers in WWE history, 'The Big Red Machine' has starred in a myriad of comebacks over the years. Some, like his return to obliterate DX and the Radicalz on Raw back in February 2000, were electric, but others? Not so much.
This particular comeback was horrendous. The ageing 'Demon' burst through the ring during a steel cage match between Braun Strowman and Roman Reigns, Chokeslamming 'The Big Dog' to hell in an arena drowned in red lighting. From there, he predictably turned on 'The Monster,' setting up a feud that ultimately cooled Strowman off and halted what remained of his incredible summer momentum.
Kane even bantered his way into a Universal Title shot at the Royal Rumble, where he played pin-eater for Brock Lesnar. He promptly vanished after losing a Last Man Standing bout to Strowman the next night, but he needn't have bothered, as the return did nothing for anyone involved.
The good news for Mayor Glenn Jacobs is that his next return would go down significantly better. Team Hell No's reunion was a success, but casting an ailing, bloated 50-year-old as a fearsome monster in late 2017 was never going to work.