8 Most Insane Demands WWE Superstars Made

3. Stone Cold Refuses To Lose

It's one of the most infamous stories of the late '90s. Stone Cold Steve Austin was the WWF Champion was told he was to drop the title to Triple H, who along with The Rock, was the up and coming star in the company at the time. However, Austin didn't think HHH was over enough with the crowd as a legitimate heel and therefore wasn't worthy of taking the title from him yet and refused to lose the match. To combat this, Vince McMahon had the winner of Chyna v Mankind added to the match. Obviously, Foley won that match and would go on to claim the surprise win at SummerSlam 1999. Jesse Ventura was also added as the guest referee and as a politician, there was no way he would raise the heel's hand in victory. WWF pulled out all the stops to cover this apparent refusal on Austin's part. Then, the next night on Raw, Hunter beat Mankind to claim his first WWF Championship title. The legitimacy of this rumour is still up in the air but this all adds together too well, doesn't it?
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.