8 Most Insane Demands WWE Superstars Made

4. Lesnar's Travels

2004: Brock hated the travel schedule of a WWE superstar. Brock wanted the schedule on a 20-year veteran like The Undertaker's despite being in his mid 20s. Vince said no. Brock left to pursue a career in the NFL. This problem is still evident today with Brock's part time schedule even with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in his grasp. Some say it's best for business that the champion isn't seen too often as it keeps the star attraction value high while others criticise Brock's schedule for belittling the title's meaning. It's good that WWE and Brock were able to work something out as the company with Brock is a lot stronger than the one without. But his demands 11 years ago rubbed 'it' in the face of those who paved the way before him, travelling up and down America in a car with little or no money.
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.