8 Legitimate Reasons Dean Ambrose Has To Be Unhappy With WWE
6. THAT Brock Lesnar Match

When presented with the opportunity to help mint a younger star and restore the credibility lost through his prop comic antics, Brock Lesnar said "nah," handwaved the idea, and mailed in one of his most uninspired pay-per-view performances at WrestleMania 32, destroying Dean Ambrose in their No Holds Barred Street Fight.
What should've been a wild, out-of-control spectacle turned into a lame, tame squash. The coasting Lesnar made Dean look terrible. Instead of getting over in defeat, the one-sided pounding knocked 'The Lunatic Fringe' for six, and he somehow emerged looking like even more of a hapless goober than when he'd walked in.
Ambrose has since expressed his disappointment at the match, telling Steve Austin "Brock didn't want to do anything" during an appearance on the Stone Cold Podcast. His frustration is understandable. 'Mania 32 was a wonderful opportunity that turned to dirt because only one of the participants wanted to make it work, and while WWE aren't to blame for this themselves, it isn't hard to believe that Dean would carry this justifiable bitterness all the way to his release request. This is a guy who used to break lightubes over his mates' heads for fun, after all.