8 Lessons WWE Could Learn From The MCU

4. Balancing Humour And Action

Marvel Wwe

When the MCU first started, one of the things which people engaged with most of all was how funny the films managed to be. They weren't comedies, but every Marvel film is sprinkled with comedic moments to keep the audience entertained, and to ensure that the entire universe didn't get too dark too soon.

Again, this is something the MCU often gets spot on, but something WWE can't quite figure out. Segments don't have to be dramatic or funny. They can be both. The modern audience loves moments of comedy, interspersed with incredible action. Vince McMahon can't seem to understand this, feeling the need to label comedy segments specifically as such.

If the two were more finally balanced, the product would seem more consistently pitched, and therefore flow better overall. A character can be funny without just being a comedy character.

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