Finn Balor at the Royal Rumble is a sound possibility, especially with all the rumours of the Bullet Club invading. It could be the case that this Sunday is the night Balor Club forms, with the NXT Champion announcing himself to WWE's main audience. On the other hand, it could be the case that he's pitted against AJ Styles in the Rumble, and he has actually teased that scenario happening. However WWE bring him in, he'd make an impression, especially if he's in his demon character. It'd be an excellent way to debut him. Out of everyone on this list, you can't help but get the feeling he's the most likely to turn up on Sunday. The time just feels right for him. He's done it all in NXT, including holding the NXT title for over half a year. It is time to move on up. Finn Balor in the Royal Rumble, watch this space!