8 Most Bitter Moments In CM Punk And WWE's Feud

7. Stephanie McMahon Calls Out CM Punk On TV

For a very long time, none of us were quite sure whether CM Punk was really gone from the WWE. Despite reports of him walking out and having no interest in returning, there were plenty of people who believed things would be resolved or that it was all a work and Punk would return before, during, or after WrestleMania. When that didn't happen and it became clear that he was never coming back, the WWE had an uphill struggle against fans, particularly in Chicago. The first time they had visited the city, they cleverly managed to use Paul Heyman to deflect their attention from Punk to Brock Lesnar's upcoming match against The Undertaker, but when they returned months later after it became clear the hometown boy wasn't coming back, the crowd were out for blood and "CM Punk" chants dominated the evening. Stephanie McMahon had already made a dig at CM Punk at Payback when she referred to him quitting during a promo with Daniel Bryan, but on this particular edition of Raw, The Authority leader once again insulted him for being a quitter and made what many believe was a personal insult about his fractious relationship with his parents and siblings when she talked about him quitting his "family." Below the belt? It all depends on whether or not Stephanie's comments really were as personal as many of us assumed, but calling him out on TV as a quitter without him being there to give his side of the story had to really rile up the self-proclaimed Best in the World.
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CM Punk
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