8 Most Bitter Moments In CM Punk And WWE's Feud

6. The Podcast Interview

This was a big one. After months of fans being left in the dark about what was happening behind the scenes, CM Punk finally broke his silence with an appearance on his friend Colt Cabana's Art of Wrestling podcast. It received so much attention that it crashed the site, and some of the claims and accusations hurled against the WWE had to bother them. While many of his claims were in relation to how poorly the company had treated him over the years (including a movie role he was lined up for being given to Randy Orton and not being allowed the same promotional perks as guys like John Cena and Brock Lesnar), Punk also criticised WWE Creative, viciously tore Triple H apart, and insulted Vince McMahon by stating that he's a millionaire who should be a billionaire. That barely scratches the surface of his very interesting and controversial comments of course, and while Vince McMahon would later claim that he hadn't listened to the podcast, it's hard to believe that he, Stephanie, Triple H, and any number of other high ranking people in the WWE hadn't tuned in to see what exactly Punk had said about them. We may never know how much truth there was to Punk's claims, but his comments nonetheless hurt the WWE, and the fact that he didn't hold back in criticising them led to widespread mainstream media attention which didn't portray the company in a good light at all, and that's the kind of thing you just know they hate.
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CM Punk
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