8 Most Shocking Kurt Angle WWE Moments

3. Daniel Puder Takes Angle Down

When Kurt wasn't being smooched by his peers, other unscripted moments had him being embarrassed by a complete rookie on SmackDown. Daniel Puder was part of the Tough Enough crowd who were supposed to be humbled by Angle in a short segment on the 4 November 2004 episode, but things would go horribly wrong for the veteran.

After taking down Chris Nawrocki with ease, Angle invited any of the other newbies to enter the ring and suffer the same fate. Puder accepted the challenge and swiftly locked Kurt in a dangerous Kimura hold. Refusing to tap and therefore damage his own reputation, Angle very nearly had his arm broken by Puder.

Bouncing up off the canvas and furious about what had happened, Kurt chewed the rookie out and was said to be furious backstage afterwards. These unscripted segments are rarely beneficial, and Angle's hard man rep came eerily close to being shattered as a result.

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