8 Most Shocking Kurt Angle WWE Moments

1. Going Full On Stalker With Booker T & Sharmell

Kurt Angle Sharmell

WWE clearly loved the Kurt Angle/Stephanie McMahon/Triple H love triangle story from 2000, because they tried it again in 2005. This time, there was a twist, and it seemed to revolve around the idea that Kurt was a creepy stalker with sinister intentions for Booker T's wife. Also, he liked saying the word 'gutterslut' when talking about Sharmell.

Feuding on SmackDown in '05, Booker and Angle were tasked with skirting the line between drama and outright bad taste by having Kurt pursue Sharmell for what he described as "bestiality sex". We wish we were making that up, but it actually happened. Those complaints about WWE going PG in 2008 suddenly seem a little over-the-top, don't they?

At least we don't get nonsense like this nowadays. Performers like Angle and Booker should have let their in-ring work do the talking. Instead, the story penned for them made Kurt look like a deviant who wanted to sexually harass Sharmell just for the sake of it.

No wonder Angle missed this rivalry out during his WWE Hall Of Fame speech.


What other shocking Kurt Angle WWE moments can you think of? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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