8 Most Talented Wrestlers WWE Refuse To Push
7. The Revival

At least Gallows and Anderson have some physical size in their act (meaning they'll always pop into view when WWE need a team to work the intimidation gimmick for a one-off feud). The Revival, a technically-minded duo who were once the best team in the company on NXT, don't even have that.
Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson are fairly small, and that's something that seems to count against them. Still, they know one another inside and out, and they carry a classic vibe that harks back to The Brain Busters. In the NWA of yesteryear or the old territory days, these dudes would've been dependable champions for years.
On Raw, they're jobbing to Lucha House Party in two minutes, and that's their lot.
Those 'Top Guys' claims didn't get over on the main roster, and it appears WWE's writing team have pinned blame squarely on Dash and Dawson for that. Since being booked to look like second-rate losers by Roman Reigns, The Revival have been on main roster life support.