8 New Directions After WWE Fastlane 2018

5. Kayfabe Injuries For The New Day

Xavier Woods

Tom Phillips was very specific when recapping that attack by The Bludgeon Brothers on both The Usos and New Day. According to the SmackDown play-by-play man, Xavier Woods suffered a "spinal contusion" after being hit with a Powerbomb onto the steel steps.

WWE.com are even reporting the story and treating the injury as genuine.

This may well be a plan to write Woods out of WrestleMania, and there's a slight chance fellow New Day members Big E and Kofi Kingston will be on the shelf too. If so, that must come as a disappointment to the group; after acting as hosts last year, they would have been hoping for a bigger 'Mania spot in 2018.

New Day fans shouldn't be too worried though, because (again) this could help set up another Triple Threat. After all, Woods and company didn't exactly get a fair crack at the belts before Harper and Rowan stormed the scene. The most plausible outcome is that WWE tease New Day missing 'Mania through injury before they make a miraculous recovery in time.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.