8 New Directions After WWE Fastlane 2018

3. Shane McMahon Vs. Sami Zayn?

Shane McMahon Sami Zayn

The Wrestling Observer are sure that Dolph Ziggler will be Shane McMahon's opponent at WrestleMania, but what happened at Fastlane suggests something different. Think about this: Shane pulled the referee from the ring when Kevin Owens looked like winning. Later, he pulled Sami Zayn's leg when it looked like he had the WWE Title in the bag.

The intense stare down McMahon and Zayn shared was no accident. Could it be that they're heading for a one-on-one match at 'Mania?

It's a possibility. WWE have presented Shane vs. KO before, but never Shane vs. Sami. If the writing team are interested in squeezing every last ounce out of the long-running feud between the SmackDown Commissioner and the Owens/Zayn side, then there's a fair chance Sami will be next in line for a pop at Shane O'Mac.

He's a much better foe for McMahon than Ziggler anyway. There's no issue between Dolph and Shane WWE could bring up to sell that match in just a few short weeks.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.