8 New WWE Directions For Kurt Angle's Son Jason Jordan

6. Waging War Against Samoa Joe

Jason Jordan, Kurt Angle

If WWE are willing to acknowledge Angle's time with Impact Wrestling, it could be worth sticking Jordan in a feud with Samoa Joe (once Joe's current feud with Lesnar, Reigns and Strowman is over). The pair enjoyed a series of awesome matches, regarded now as some of the best in TNA's tangled history.

If any ring veteran is good enough to bring Jordan to that next level, Joe is surely the man for the job. The pair would be able to mix it up in a pure grappling sense, but also escalate things when required. The former NXT Champion's willingness to get nasty would make Jordan the de facto babyface in such a feud, which would allow Kurt to play the sympathetic, worrisome mentor on the sidelines.

Of course, at some point, Joe would have to lay his hands on the Olympian...

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