8 Questions With TNA Superstar Ethan Carter III

4. Making An Impact

Ethan Carter Iii

You made a surprise appearance at EVOLVE 61 on May 7 in Woodside, New York. Gate-crashing the Drew Galloway vs. Johnny Gargano grudge match, you attacked Gargano and then said over the microphone, “I came in peace, but now I’m prepared for war,” as Gargano lay battered on the mat. Alongside Galloway, you flattened referees and other wrestlers and cut a blistering promo on WWE, NXT and “The King Of Kings”. As of June 9, footage of the angle had received 133,000 views on YouTube, which is colossal for a video posted by an independent company. Did you think your appearance would attract as much attention as it has?

“One hundred percent. My intention was to create buzz by throwing around some buzzwords and innuendo. I knew I could get the internet and the whole wrestling world talking about it, and that’s what I did.

“I think 2016 is a very unique time in our industry. There’s a lot of interesting match-ups taking place, and a lot of interesting cross-promoting taking place. The fact that EVOLVE has a relationship with WWE and is sort of a feeder system for developmental is a wonderful story I can tell there too. If TNA is the band I play in, then EVOLVE could be my side project, my acoustic set — somewhere I can go and tell a different kind of story, all based in reality and all based on me.”


The former editor of Power Slam: The Wrestling Magazine, Fin Martin has been writing about pro wrestling for nearly 25 years. His latest eBook, The Power Slam Interviews Volume 1, is available worldwide from Amazon, iBooks and Kobo. In his spare time, he enjoys walking in the Lake District.