8 Questions With TNA Superstar Ethan Carter III

3. Settling Scores

Ethan Carter Iii

In your speech, it sounded like you were venting your frustration at the wacky version of NXT in which you participated as Derrick Bateman from 2010-2012, and the constraints of the WWE system. You also hurled some barbs at Triple H, and a man formerly employed as a trainer in WWE developmental.

“I think people were overreacting to the things I said, saying I ‘took shots’ at ‘The King Of Kings’ or I ‘took shots’ at NXT. If I recall, and you can watch it yourself, I said that NXT is a great show, with compelling characters, great matches and interesting story lines. Maybe I said ‘The King Of Kings’ blew it, but I happen to feel that’s true. I will never not say that; it’s my God-honest opinion. The only shot I took was at somebody that nobody even cares about.

“What I did was use intrigue and buzzwords and create interest. I took the interest that was garnered over the Global Cruiserweight Series [matches on the card]: no one was talking about those matches — they were talking about what I did, because I create intrigue and I create box office, and that’s what this business is about.”


The former editor of Power Slam: The Wrestling Magazine, Fin Martin has been writing about pro wrestling for nearly 25 years. His latest eBook, The Power Slam Interviews Volume 1, is available worldwide from Amazon, iBooks and Kobo. In his spare time, he enjoys walking in the Lake District.