8 Real WWE Fights That Surpassed Anything You Saw In The Ring

5. Big Show Vs. The Great Khali

Although we've seen these two massive giants clumsily tussle in the ring, you have to believe that watching Paul Wight and Dalip Singh Rana go at each other in a no-holds-barred environment would have been so much more satisfying. That's just what happened after a house show in 2009, when a dispute between the two huge wrestlers with equally large egos escalated into blows.

Supposedly, Big Show was dissatisfied with Khali "stealing" the bulk of his move set which, admittedly, was the same move set that just about every big man in the industry used. Still, Big Show wasn't having it and took a swing at Khali, which was blocked. (Show was probably super pissed, because that's one of his signature moves.)

After Big Show slipped on someone's duffel bag, Khali got right on top of the 500 pounder and started slapping him in the head several times. And that's what a real-life Godzilla vs. King Kong match looks like: one falls because he's too uncoordinated to punch and stand at the same time, and the other is so confused about what moves he's allowed to use that he resorts to slap-fighting. Several wrestlers had to break this one up for obvious reasons.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.