8 Reasons Wade Barrett Is Quitting WWE

6. No Appreciation For His Efforts

You're forever hearing the old timers in WWE telling the young bucks (not the New Japan tag team) that they should bide their time when things aren't going well and their chance will come. King Barrett has had to swallow some considerable sh*t during his tenure in WWE, and hasn't reaped any sort of rewards from it. He's been tasked with getting over a couple of gimmicks that shouldn't have had a pair, and done his upmost to do so with the time given. It just looks like it'll never happen for Wade in WWE. Which is a great shame, he's been geared for success on more than one occasion and certainly looks like he'd be able to shoulder the responsibility.
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Wade Barrett
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.