8 Reasons Wade Barrett Is Quitting WWE

5. John Cena

How often do you think King Barrett wonders would have been if John Cena did the right think and jobbed to him back in 2010? The SummerSlam main event saw Team WWE - consisting of Cena, Daniel Bryan, Edge, Chris Jericho, Bret Hart, R-Truth and John Morrison - take on Team Nexus' Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, David Otunga, Skip Sheffield, Michael Tarver and Darren Young. After Bryan was eliminated thanks to an interference from The Miz, Nexus were left with a two-on-one advantage with Barrett and Gabriel battling Cena. And despite taking a DDT to the concrete floor, Super Cena still came out on top of the elimination tag match, killing the momentum that Nexus had spent months building up. Barrett, as the evil leader of one of the most powerful factions we would have ever seen if they had gone on to win the bumper tag match, would have been epic. Cena did the wrong thing, and Barrett has paid the price since.
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Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.