8 Reasons Wade Barrett Is Quitting WWE

2. The New Day

You're probably screaming WTF at this one... But the New Day are an example of a group that failed to get over in the way WWE wanted them to as faces, preaching positivity to the masses. They were allowed to transform themselves into heels and have had a certain amount of creative freedom that has allowed them to achieve the success we see today. Cast your minds back to when King Barrett was getting his Bad News gimmick off the ground. WWE pulled the plug on the thing altogether because there was a threat of it becoming too popular, when they wanted him to be a huge heel. Why didn't Vince McMahon allow BNB to do so, if that was the natural course the character was set to go on? It worked for The New Day, so there's little doubting BNB could have had the same outcome if he was afforded the same chances.
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Wade Barrett
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.