8 Reasons Why TNA's Closure Would Be A Good Thing

7. The End Of Vince Russo's Career

Love or hate him, Vince Russo's been a part of the wrestling industry for far too long, no disrespect to him, but WCW should have been the end as far as his creative career goes. Having been a creative writer for TNA in an on-off basis since the beginning, it's not surprising to see he was involved in TNA affairs until very recently, he himself claimed that he parted ways with the company in late June 2014. His latest position was also controversial as he was secretly working with the company after Spike TV allegedly disproved of his involvement. Sources related to Spike claim Russo's hidden work for the company is the reason they don't want to renew the TV deal, although he claims this is not the case. Whether this is the case or not it doesn't really matter, there was a time for edgy, over-the-top, swerve based wrestling and that time has well and truly passed. TNA has always had a solid talent roster no matter what the year, that in itself should been enough to draw along with some solid booking, it never needed to be WCW 2.0. That's not to take away from his accomplishments in WWF's Attitude era, or whatever he was involved in, but the time for his kind of creative mind and writing style is over, meaning TNA's potential closure would be for the best.
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Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.