8 Reasons Wrestlemania Is Incapable of Failing

1. Investor Opinion Beats Fan Sentiment

Let's pretend it's the day after WrestleMania Star, and that it was in fact the most unholy creative abomination ever broadcast onto a TV screen€ Let's say Shane squashed Taker, Sasha Banks was replaced by Eva Marie and Seth Rollins announced via satellite that he's lost his smile. Then Triple H beat Roman Reigns before getting on the mic and telling the world that Roman's heroism has humbled him, handing Reigns the belt and welcoming a returning John Cena to the New Roman Order€ Or. y'know, whatever scenario makes you gag the hardest. The IWC is in an uproar, and casual fans are more confused than ever. Can you believe it? How on Earth is WWE ever going to pick the ball back up? Have we finally hit rock bottom? Meanwhile, in Connecticut€ Vince McMahon is on the phone gushing to his sponsors (who have no idea who Seth Rollins is) that social media activity has quadrupled, and child-sized neon orange NRO t-shirts have sold out in half a day. Come what may, WrestleMania will put smiles on the faces that matter to WWE. Those who call it a failure, don't. What say you? Am I perfectly correct or universally mistaken? Comment with gusto.

CKUT radio host, underground lyricist, Michael Myers scholar and all-around world-class opiner. Signature move: Irony Bomb. Blood type: chai. Never seen in the same place and time as Logic Johnson, former featured columnist for Bleacher Report. Hopelessly unfamiliar with Yellow Submarine.