8 Reasons WWE Dropped The Ball With Damien Sandow

2. He's Over

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WWE missed out on a talented star in Damien Sandow, but it's not the first time. They also wasted Wade Barrett, who was given his release on Friday prior to his contract expiry in June. Barrett could have easily been a contender to the WWE Championship if used properly.

What sets Sandow apart from so many of the underrated stars WWE has cut in the past, though, is just how popular he was. The Mizdow gimmick didn't just get Damien Sandow over, it kept him over. Even though the company horribly botched his handling after he turned babyface, fans still supported him.

Sandow's "Macho Mandow" gimmick was tailor-made for Superstars, and that's where he ended up - but fans still cheered him. Even when the gimmick was dropped and Sandow pretty much had no character, he still received great pops.

Sandow's final TV appearance came this past Monday on Raw when he competed in a battle royal for a U.S. Title shot. Sandow was tossed out of the ring quickly, of course, but his elimination was met with rousing disapproval from the crowd.

In a day when WWE can't even get its own world champion over, one would think Sandow's popularity would carry more weight.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013