8 Reasons WWE Is Wrong To Ditch Single-Brand PPVs

3. Bloated Shows

Survivor Series 2017

WrestleMania is the most significant wrestling show of the year. It's a huge event that fans of sports entertainment all over the world flock to enjoy. However, it's incredibly long. According to the timings on WWE Network, WrestleMania 33 last year was 310 minutes long, with a further 119 minutes for the pre-show. That's more than seven hours of wrestling content in one evening.

It would be false to suggest that every dual-branded PPV event will have a length to rival WrestleMania, but they're certainly getting longer. Dave Meltzer has reported WWE anticipating the majority of these events will be five hours long, including a one hour kick-off show. That's a lot of energy to ask of an audience for a disposable event like a Battleground or a Backlash.

With its five hours of main roster television per week, plus 205 Live, NXT and Mixed Match Challenge to name but a few, WWE is asking its hardcore fans to consume a mind-boggling amount of content. The addition of a five hour pay-per-view Sunday every month might be the straw that breaks the back of even the most fanatical camel.


Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.