2. Braun Should Win The Andre Battle Royal
Since we've already discussed how Strowman is too green and undeveloped to be thrust into such a position of importance, a much better option would be to throw him in The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal - ARMBAR for short - and have him dominate the competition on the way to a victory. Assuming Mania will feature the third installment of the ARMBAR, this would be a great way to establish Braun as the unstoppable monster they want him to be viewed as. As it stands now, our memory of his time in the Royal Rumble isn't him running roughshod over the other men in the match, it's of Brock Lesnar stiffing the living hell out of him like he was a giant jobber. Traditionally, battle royals have been used as vehicles to push the big monsters, and this seems like a total no-brainer. While the ARMBAR hasn't actually been huge for the recent winners - Cesaro actually lost momentum after winning and The Big Show is...The Big Show - there's no reason WWE can't rectify that and have Strowman come out looking strong. If they're smart that's the direction they've decided to take the imposing rookie.
Brad Hamilton
Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.
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